Publishing a TypeScript project

This article augments TypeScript's own Publishing guide with specifics for native node support.

Some important things to note:

  • Everything from Publishing a package applies here.

  • Node runs TypeScript code via a process called "type stripping", wherein node (via Amaro) removes TypeScript-specific syntax, leaving behind vanilla JavaScript (which node already understands). This behaviour is enabled by default of node version 23.6.0.

    • Node does not strip types in node_modules because it can cause significant performance issues for the official TypeScript compiler (tsc), so the TypeScript maintainers would like to discourage people publishing raw TypeScript, at least for now.
  • Consuming TypeScript-specific features like enum in node still require a flag (--experimental-transform-types). There are often better alternatives for these anyway.

  • Use dependabot to keep your dependencies current, including those in github actions. It's a very easy set-and-forget configuration.

  • .nvmrc comes from NVM, a multi-version manager for node. It allows you to specify the version of node the project should generally use.

A published package will look something like:

├ main.d.ts
├ main.js
├ package.json
├ some-util.d.ts
└ some-util.js

That would be derived from a repository looking something like:

├ .github/
  ├ workflows/
    ├ ci.yml
    └ publish.yml
  └ dependabot.yml
├ src/
  ├ foo.fixture.js
  ├ main.ts
  ├ main.test.ts
  ├ some-util.ts
  └ some-util.test.ts
├ package.json

What to do with your types

Treat types like a test

The purpose of types is to warn an implementation will not work:

const foo = 'a';
const bar: number = 1 + foo;
//    ^^^ Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

TypeScript has warned that the above code will not behave as intended, just like a unit test warns that code does not behave as intended.

Your IDE (ex VS Code) likely has built-in support for TypeScript, displaying errors as you work. If not, and/or you missed those, CI will have your back.

The following GitHub Action sets up a CI task to automatically check (and require) types pass inspection for a PR into the main branch.

name: Tests

    branches: ['main']

    # Separate these from tests because
    # they are platform and node-version independent
    # and need be run only once.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version-file: '.nvmrc'
          cache: 'npm'
      - name: npm clean install
        run: npm ci
      # You may want to run a lint check here too
      - run: node --run types:check

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

          - version: 23.x
          - version: 22.x
      fail-fast: false # Prevent a failure in one version cancelling other runs

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Use node ${{ matrix.node.version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: ${{ matrix.node.version }}
          cache: 'npm'
      - name: npm clean install
        run: npm ci
      - run: node --run test

Pro-tip: The TypeScript executable (tsc) is likely used only in CI. Avoid bloating your local node_modules (where you probably won't use it) by adding --omit="optional" when you run npm install locally: npm install --omit="optional"

Generate type declarations

Type declarations (.d.ts and friends) provide type information as a sidecar file, allowing the execution code to be vanilla JavaScript whilst still having types.

Since these are generated based on source code, they can be built as part of your publication process and do not need to be checked into your repository.

Take the following example, where the type declarations are generated just before publishing to the NPM registry.

name: Publish to NPM
      - '**@*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      contents: read
      id-token: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version-file: '.nvmrc'
          registry-url: ''
      - run: npm ci

      # You can probably ignore the boilerplate config above

      - name: Publish with provenance
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
        run: npm publish --access public --provenance

npm publish will automatically run prepack beforehand. npm will also run prepack automatically before npm pack --dry-run (so you can easily see what your published package will be without actually publishing it). Beware, node --run does not do that. You can't use node --run for this step, so that is not a caveat here, but it can be for other steps.

Breaking this down

Generating type declarations is deterministic: you'll get the same output from the same input, every time. So there is no need to commit these to git.

npm publish grabs everything applicable and available at the moment the command is run; so generating type declarations immediately before means those are available and will get picked up.

By default, npm publish grabs (almost) everything (see Files included in package). In order to keep your published package minimal (see the "Heaviest Objects in the Universe" meme about node_modules), you want to exclude certain files (like tests and test fixtures) from from packaging. Add these to the opt-out list specified in .npmignore; ensure the !*.d.ts exception is listed, or the generated type declartions will not be published! Alternatively, you can use package.json "files" to create an opt-in list.